Senator markly
Senator markly

He ran on his sponsorship of Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal legislation, aimed at combating climate change.

senator markly

“This could be an unusual moment for Markey.” “Now, he’s the center of attention in Massachusetts politics,” Ubertaccio added. Markey “was written off by a lot of the political establishment when Kennedy entered the race,” said Peter Ubertaccio, a political science professor at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts. Instead, the longtime lawmaker recast his image. Kennedy had youth on his side, but even though he and Markey have similar voting records, Markey rallied progressive members and groups to his side, defusing what many Massachusetts political observers believed was an insurmountable challenge. Earlier this year, the pattern was repeated when Jamaal Bowman defeated Rep. Examples include Ocasio-Cortez’s upset of New York Rep. The successful formula for some of the notable primary contests among Democrats this cycle and in 2018 has featured challengers who are both younger and viewed as more progressive than the incumbents. He never made a compelling case about why Markey should be replaced.” Failure to launch The excitement over the Kennedy name opened the door for him, but Joe never made the sale.

senator markly

“Markey has been an incumbent who didn’t keep the home fires warm, and so Joe Kennedy started out with a big lead. “When Joe Kennedy got in the race, there was a lot of excitement,” said Democrat Brad Bannon, a Massachusetts native and president of the polling and consulting firm Bannon Communications Research, who did not work on the race. Though it initially seemed that Kennedy, currently in his fourth term representing the state’s 4th District, would end Markey’s long legislative career, Markey seized on the challenge as an opportunity to brand himself as both a policy deal-maker and a progressive, especially on environmental and technology matters.Įven a last-ditch endorsement of Kennedy by Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn’t slow Markey’s late-summer momentum. “With all due respect,” Markey continued, arms crossed, looking into the camera, “It’s time to start asking what your country can do for you.” We went out, we did it,” Markey said in a stirring campaign ad, evoking the famous quote of President John F. “We asked what we could do for our country. Markey, whose father was a milkman and union member, also took aim at Kennedy’s patrician lineage. Elizabeth Warren helped fuel Markey’s comeback - and his fundraising - as he portrayed himself as the true progressive in the race. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and fellow Massachusetts Sen. Prominent endorsements from liberal stars such as New York Rep. “Tonight is more than just a celebration of a movement, it is a reaffirmation of the need to have a progressive movement of young people demanding radical change,” Markey said in his victory speech Tuesday night. Markey, who trailed by double digits in early polls, was leading Kennedy 55 percent to 45 percent when The Associated Press called the race at 10:30 p.m. the 39-year-old candidate’s grandfather - to be senators. Kennedy to be president and sons Edward M. Markey, 74, won the Democratic Senate primary by rallying progressive Democrats to his cause and contrasting his own working-class roots with those of an opponent whose namesake and great-grandfather, Joseph P. Kennedy III the first member of the Kennedy dynasty to lose a Massachusetts election. Markey triumphed in the toughest fight of his near 44-year Capitol Hill career Tuesday, making Rep. And Markey sits on the Subcommittee on Space and Science, which has oversight on SpaceX.Īs Markey wrote in a tweet responding to Musk, “Fix your companies.

senator markly

That subcommittee has oversight on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which is currently investigating Tesla over the safety of its autopilot feature (as Markey put it, “for killing people”). He is also on the Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, Maritime, Freight, and Ports. Markey is a member of the Senate’s Subcommittee on Communication, Media and Broadband, as well as the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety and Data Security, both of which could investigate Twitter. The senator sits on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and is on numerous subcommittees that have oversight not only into Twitter but also two other Musk-owned companies, SpaceX and Tesla. This surely isn’t the last we’ll hear from Markey about Musk’s Twitter debacle, especially now that Democrats have maintained control over the Senate. Marjorie Taylor Greene Thinks Stepmoms Aren’t Real Moms

Senator markly